
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Carina's Dala Horse CraftAlong

I jumped in with both feet, or maybe that's with all four hooves, after seeing the Dala Horse Craftalong over on Carina's Craftblog.

Dala Horse Craftalong LARGE button - please download to your own computer
Image via Carina's Craftblog
Carina, along with Hanna (iHanna), Kathryn (The Pickled Herring) and Pam (Gingerbread Snowflakes), are running a Dala Horse Craftalong through August 21st. Go immediately to Carina's post here for the details and/or click on the Dala Horse Craftalong button in my sidebar to go to the Flickr group. You will love the pictures of the beautiful horses that have already been added to the pool. I tossed in my IKEA Dala Horse Hack from last year just to get in on the game.

I had tremendous fun decoupaging this gal. Just wish I had photos of the wonderful mess. We have a saying at our house- "You're not having fun if you're not getting dirty."

I originally found Carina's lovely blog last summer when we were both enrolled in Sister Diane's Blog Tune-Up class over at Craftypod. I was immediately drawn to the colors of her blog as they are My Colors (in spite of how my house looks now- my husband drew the line on the amount of pink in the decorating. Party pooper) and it made me think back to the days when I used to do mostly cross-stitch but a bit of embroidery as well. I sat at the dining room table for a couple of hours on Sunday tracing one of my Dala Horses and doodling around with embroidery pattern possibilities. That was the easy part- now I need to chisel out some quiet time to actually do the work. Oh, and such "work" it will be, toiling away with needle and embroidery floss. Whoa is me and all this "work."

Going for something just a bit different.

So anyway, back to the Dala Horse Craftalong. Click on the Craftalong button in the sidebar to visit the Flickr group. Then go over to Carina's and get the details, then join in the Flickr group fun with your project(s). I hope to have something show you later- it's been decades a couple years since I've done any embroidery so who knows what it will look like.

Thanks for visiting today and I hope to see some of your Dala-gals in the Flickr group- let me know.


  1. Wow, thank you for the kind words! :-)

    I can't wait to see what you make - your Dala sketches look really great!
