
Friday, October 1, 2010

Checking the Look- Need Your Comments

NOTE- This is a post regarding a header that is no longer in use. But you can still check out my Dad's infared picture and then visit this post for the peach recipe!

OK- before you move on down to the next part of today's post (yummy peaches!) please take a minute to ponder the new seasonal look here in the jungle, particularly the header. I'm thinking it's maybe too macabre. Maybe back in the day, maybe closer to Halloween. It doesn't seem to hint "Halloween" but rather to scream "HALLOWEEN".

My dad has been playing around with infared photography, which is really cool looking. Here's the lastest picture he sent, taken in the moonlight with a little extra swirl tool action around the moon.

Pretty neat, isn't it?

So I found an infared tool to use on photos and that's what I was playing with on the header photo. I really like the way the header came out but am thinking it may just be a bit too, oh, "ghastly". I think it's the font. Please leave a comment with your thoughts because I know for sure that the butterflies who flit through this jungle are a creative bunch. Thanks.

Now--- on to the peaches!

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