
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's Too Hot To Make A Margarita

Boy! Have we been having some stinking hot weather! So when it gets really hot, I start thinking about margaritas.

Photo by Lumiago via Flickr
No, not Margarita daisies, though that does remind me that I need to get out and do some trimming. It also makes me remember that the nurse on duty when I had my Zippy was named Margarita. What a coincidence because that's how I got in that shape, I do believe....

Phtoto by Samantha Decker via Flickr

I'm not a big drinker and am happy with my couple of beers a week. But I do like tequila, especially in the summer when it is so blasted miserable hot. I really got to jonesin' for a margarita a couple of days ago but I would have to get out of the pool, put on shoes (OK, flip flops), walk to the garage, drive to the liquor store for mix in that hot ol' SUV, deal with the weirdo who works there, drive back, read the directions, find a glass, open the tequila.... by that time I would have been in the throes of heat stroke. So I made do with what I had on hand.

Tequila. I'm not a Patron Silver kind of gal. I much prefer any kind of gold and aged tequila but like I say, I had to make do.

Lime sherbet. OK now- work fast if you're making this in the sun on a day with a heat index of 105 degrees. Good Grief.

Introduce the tequila to the sherbet. Not much, just a little shot.

Then just mush it around with a spoon and enjoy. How easy is that?

OK kids, that's it---  stay cool and be careful 'cause it's a scorcher out there. See ya next time.

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